Even if you are not in a vulnerable population, you and your family should develop a plan in case one or more of you does contract the COVID-19 virus.
Figure out what your needs may be if there is a major COVID-19 outbreak in our area and general quarantines occur.
Plan home supplies to include enough food, medicines, and household supplies for at least a 14-day stay indoors without your ability to shop. Contact neighbors or friends who might be willing to delivery supplies to you if you are quarantined.
Keep in mind: your water taps will still work in a quarantine, as will your electricity. There is no need to buy a six-month supply of toilet paper or ground beef. If quarantined, it will probably only be for a few weeks. Stripping shelves all the toilet paper, ground beef, flour, and bottled water may make you feel safe, but you are not any safer than if you purchased a reasonable amount for a few weeks. What it does do is create a false shortage of items. You won’t use all those supplies and they’ll go to waste — meanwhile, other families will suffer because of your actions. You’ll waste money and hurt others.
Make a plan for what you will do if one of your family members does contract COVID-19 virus.
Particularly plan for those who are most vulnerable to serious complications like seniors and those with compromised heart/lung function. How will you best isolate an infected person in your home to protect others in your home? How will you care for that person safely while preventing the spread? Have that plan in place beforehand so you can practice it immediately, if necessary.
Make a phone list.
Make a list with detailed contact information that includes your designated helpers who you’ll need to contact if you go into quarantine, family members’ cell phone numbers, relatives who would need to be contacted if you got sick, and your health providers, including your family doctor and your local emergency room. Make sure everyone in the home has that list available and can access it in an emergency.