Prepare for wildfire in Richmond with the City of Richmond’s new wildfire guide.
The Richmond Fire Department takes every precaution to help protect you and your property from wildland fire. However, in a major wildland fire event, there simply may not be enough resources or firefighters to defend every home. Successfully preparing for a wildland fire enables you to take personal responsibility to protect yourself, your family, and property. In this guide, we provide the tips and tools you need to prepare for a wildland fire threat, to have situational awareness when a fire starts, and to act early as directed by local officials.
Point Richmond Community Emergency Response Team
In a crisis, emergency response personnel are the best equipped to provide help. But in a catastrophic disaster, government responders are frequently overwhelmed and response times can be severely delayed by days or sometimes weeks.
CERT is a nationwide program administrated by the FEMA and within Department of Homeland Security designed to help organize and train neighbors to quickly, efficiently, and safely respond to their own neighborhoods after a disaster.
Almost every city in the United States has at least one CERT team organized under the municipality's emergency services office. CERT teams are an essential component to emergency response throughout the nation and allow government emergency personnel to help more of people more efficiently.
As part of the greater Richmond REACT and Office of Emergency Services, Point Richmond Community Emergency Response Team aims to to prepare our neighborhood for disaster, help organize a response, keep records, and provide light medical and rescue assistance to our neighbors in a civil and natural emergency.
Would you like to find out more about how to become a Point Richmond CERT? Contact us to find out how to sign up for CERT training in Richmond.
Regular Team Meetings
Meetings first Wednesday of each month, 6:30 pm social, 7:00 pm meeting, 54 Railroad Avenue, Point Richmond.
Everyone welcome!
What We Do
Monthly talks
Each month, we offer presentations from disaster and safety experts on topics affecting Point Richmond neighbors. Each topic gives neighbors a chance to learn and ask questions about preparing for disasters. No membership is required to attend and information provided helps your family and CERT responders to reduce the need for crisis intervention.
community event assistance
CERT volunteers are occasionally requested by the City of Richmond to man booths and help with safety stewards at city-sponsored community events like the Rosie Rally, Home Front Festival, or Juneteenth celebrations. Point Richmond CERT endeavors to aid City of Richmond as volunteers and to be available when our services are needed.
CERT responder training
We provide information about training opportunities for Point Richmond residents to become official CERT responders. These 20-hour classes cover topics like search & rescue, disaster medical care, fire suppression, and disaster psychology. Once fully trained, CERT responders can be deployed by City of Richmond in disasters.
radio communications
CERT's communications team covers all of Richmond and specializes in the use of HAM and FRS radio so that, in an emergency, we may communicate between team members and with CERT teams in neighboring cities. In addition, Richmond CERT's communication team trains new members in HAM operations and protocol.
citywide drills
Twice a year, REACT/CERT graduates participate in disaster drills to hone skills learned in the classroom. Neighborhood CERT teams also periodically hold local drills to keep skills sharp and ready for deployment. Point Richmond CERT graduates are encouraged to aid in drills; as mock victims or as participants to keep skills sharp.
connectivity with neighbor cities
CERT teams from throughout Richmond, including Point Richmond, work closely with CERT teams of neighboring cities, including Albany, El Cerrito, Pinole, and Berkeley. In addition to hosting the semi-annual multi-city CERT drill for new graduates, Richmond CERT also shares information and coordinates its CERT trainings with neighboring cities.
“A community is like a ship; everyone ought
to be prepared
to take the helm.”
Get Connected.
Join our list of Point Richmond neighbors who want to be ready for the next disaster. Whether you'd like to help as a part of a community team or learn to prepare your own household for emergencies, we're here to help.