Practice social distancing. Avoid bars and restaurants and large gatherings, and maintain a distance of approximately 6 feet from others when possible.
Wash your hands regularly. How much is regularly? Take the normal amount that you wash your hands and double it. Wash for at least 20 seconds of vigorous rubbing before rinsing. Watch this video from the World Health Organization about best hand-washing practices.
If you cannot wash with soap and water, use the same WHO hand-washing technique with sanitizer gel.
Keep unwashed hands away from mouth, nose, and eyes.
Avoid travel. If you can, cancel or postpone plane or ship travel. Even better, do not leave the county.
Wear a mask ONLY IF YOU ARE SICK. According to the CDC, masks are somewhat effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19 if they are worn by a person who has the virus. Masks have no discernible effect preventing healthy people from catching COVID-19, according to all medical experts and the CDC.